Hallo Zakaria, vielen Dank, dass Du Dir die Zeit für ein Interview mit uns nimmst ! Vielleicht möchtest Du uns Euer Startup Xibit, ganz zu Beginn unseres Interviews, kurz vorstellen ?
Xibit is a mixed reality platform that helps brands turn their product
presentations, and company story into delightful brand experiences.
Using our cutting edge technology, we help brands increase their traffic by
200%, Dwell time by 40%, and conversion rate by 30%.
Xibit is trusted by world-class customers and has won amazing awards.
Recently we have been selected by McKinsey, TechStars, SAP, and Telekom
as the Rising Star of the Year, as well as the top 100 creative solutions by
Business Punk.

Welches Problem wollt Ihr mit Xibit lösen ?
Companies cannot have their concept products available all the time,
everywhere. Not only does it cost them so much money to manufacture, but it also cost them a very valuable time to deliver it to their customers and iterate the designs. Today, they use images and videos to fill that gap. We offer them a better alternative, using holograms. We have built a mixed reality software toolkit that enables them to build experiences around their concept products, using avatars, all media assets and giving them access to valuable engagement data.
Wie ist die Idee zu Xibit entstanden ?
The idea is a result of many iterations, customer interviews and a lot of
internal design thinking workshops. It took us several months to end up with this exact idea.
Wie würdest Du Deiner Großmutter Xibit erklären ?
Hey grandma, can you imagine if you have magical goggles, you put them then you can see for example a magical car or fridge in front of you. You can only see it if you put on the glasses. Like a science fiction movie. This is what we build at Xibit, a magical software.
Hat sich Euer Konzept seit dem Start irgendwie verändert ?
It has changed a lot since we started. We started in the art field actually, before we end up providing a B2B enterprise solution. It was a long way, full of ups and downs, learnings and a lot of listening.
Wie funktioniert Euer Geschäftsmodell ?
Companies pay an initial fee to have access to the platform, then pay a monthly fee to keep updating their content and adding more assets.
Wie genau hat sich Xibit seit der Gründung entwickelt ?
The name of our startup Xibit, has remained the same since we have started,
Nun aber einmal Butter bei die Fische: Wie groß ist Euer Startup inzwischen ?
We are 5 people, but hiring and growing very fast. Probably doubling the
number of employees till the end of this year.
Blicke bitte einmal zurück: Was ist in den vergangenen Jahren so richtig schief gegangen ?
We are very optimistic. We see an opportunity in every event that has happened in the past. If we could choose something that really went wrong, it will be geopolitical instability. We hope things will be more stable in the future.
Was habt Ihr daraus gelernt ?
You have to always keep your mind and political options open to different
countries. You cannot bet on one country, anymore.
Und wo habt Ihr bisher alles richtig gemacht ?
Focusing on customers, listening to them genuinely and seeking to add the
right value for them.
Wie ist Euer Startup finanziert ?
Bootstrapping and customer revenue.
Was sind Eure Pläne und Ziele für die nächsten 12 Monate ?
Support other XR platforms on our application and work on adding more cool features. We cannot tell more about it, but we have some cool AI features coming in.
Vielen Dank für das Interview.
3 thoughts on “Xibit – mixed reality platform that helps brands turn their product presentations, and company story into delightful brand experiences”