Xibit sucht

Homepage: Xibit

Vollzeit / Teilzeit / freiberuflich ?

Full time or part time.

Standort ?

Berlin, Germany.

Über Xibit:

Xibit is a mixed reality platform that helps brands turn their product presentations, and company story into delightful brand experiences.
Using our cutting edge technology, we help brands increase their traffic by 200%, Dwell time by 40%, and conversion rate by 30%.
Xibit is trusted by world-class customers and has won amazing awards. Recently we have been selected by McKinsey, TechStars, SAP, and Telekom as the Rising Star of the Year, as well as the top 100 creative solutions by Business Punk.

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Dein Profil:

Wir bieten:

Please send us your resume via email: contact@xibitxr.com

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